Renata's Small Group Format

Metafit is a non-choreographed, bodyweight only workout that sets the metabolism on fire.

If you want to burn maximum calories, lose weight, tone up or get super fit in just 30 minutes, this is for you!

It's great for all ages and fitness levels and you can adapt the exercises to suit you too. Metafit can be taught in small groups, classes or individually on a one-to-one basis.




What is Metafit?

Metafit is non-choreographed, it is NOT a dance or aerobics class. It uses a selection of tried and tested bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, burpees, etc, done to great music with voice commands (see video below). As your coach, I'll help you adopt the correct technique for each exercise and assist you with maintaining the correct form.


What is HIIT?

High-Intensity Interval Training involves intervals of short-burst high-intensity activity interspersed by a recovery that aims to improve aerobic fitness. Because intensity is high, the duration of the session is short (any longer than 30 minutes and it’s not a HIIT workout). Metafit™ workouts are based on the HIIT principle that results in an efficient and effective form of exercise. It's tough, but that's why it works.


Do I need to be really fit to do a Metafit session?

The beauty of this workout is that the exercises performed in each session can be regressed or progressed to suit all fitness levels and abilities. Everyone is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses – you work to your maximum, whatever that is and I will ensure you are doing the exercise at a level that is appropriate for you. And, best of all, the fitter you get, the harder you can work out.


Is it really just 30 minutes?

Actually, it's shorter! But because all Metafit sessions include a dynamic mobilisation warm-up, we always allow 30 minutes for each session. The main Metafit set, depending on the workout selected, will usually last between 17-23 minutes. It's the ideal workout to slot into a busy lifestyle!


How many times a week should I do a Metafit session?

Metafit HQ recommend no more than 3 times a week works best. We don't encourage any more often than that because this won’t give your muscles adequate time to recover or your body time to completely return to homeostasis. Quality, not quantity every time!


Regular classes are held around York. As a qualified Personal Trainer, Metafit coach and Freestyle Fitness Yoga instructor, I will help to support you in reaching your objectives and aspirations, whether you are a seasoned gym veteran or a complete newbie! Plus, in addition to the scheduled classes, I can also offer Metafit on a one-to-one basis (if you're up for the challenge!).


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